
姓名:汤文军 (Wenjun Tang)



 2009年10月至2011年6月:美国Boehringer Ingelheim药业公司药物工艺部门,首席科学家
 2005年7月至2009年10月:美国Boehringer Ingelheim药业公司药物工艺部门,高级科学家
 2003年9月至2005年6月:美国The Scripps Research Institute, 博士后, 导师: K.C. Nicolaou 教授

 1998 年9月至2003年6月: 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学化学系, 博士, 导师: 张绪穆教授
 1995年9月至1998年7月: 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所, 硕士, 导师: 马大为教授
 1991 年9月至1995年7月: 华东理工大学精细化工系, 工科学士

2009年获美国Boehringer Ingelheim 药业公司President’s Award for Individual Excellence
2001-2003获美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学Dalalian Major Fellowship

1. Wenjun Tang,* Xudong Wei, Nathan K. Yee, Nitinchandra Patel, Heewon Lee, and Chris H. Senanayake, A Practical Asymmetric Synthesis of Isopropyl (1R,2S)-Dehydrocoronamate Org. Proc. Res. Dev. ASAP.

2. Wenjun Tang,* Santosh Keshipeddy,Yongda Zhang, Xudong Wei, Jolaine Savoie, Nitinchandra D. Patel, Nathan K. Yee, and Chris H. Senanayake Efficient Monophosphorus Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Miyaura Borylation Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 1366-1369.

3. Sonia Rodriguez,* Bo Qu, Nizar Haddad, Diana Reeves, Wenjun Tang,* Dhileepkumar Krishnamurthy and Chris H. Senanayake Dihydrobenzooxaphosphole-Based Monophosphorus Ligands for Palladium-Catalyzed Amination Reactions Adv. Asy. Cat. 2011, 353, 533-537

4. Wenjun Tang,* Andrew G. Capacci, Xudong Wei, Wenjie Li, Andre White, Nitinchandra D. Patel, Jolaine Savoie, Joe J. Gao, Sonia Rodriguez, Bo Qu, Nizar Haddad, Bruce Z. Lu, Dhileepkumar Krishnamurthy, Nathan K. Yee and Chris  H. Senanayake A General and Special Catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Processes Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 5879-5883. Highlighted as “Synfact of the month” by Synfacts in Nov. 2010.

5. Wenjun Tang,* Andrew G. Capacci, Andre White, Shengli Ma, Sonia Rodriguez, Bo Qu, Jolaine Savoie, Nitinchandra Patel, Xudong Wei, Nizar Haddad, Nelu Grinberg, Nathan K. Yee, Dhileep Krishnamurthy, and Chris H. Senanayake Novel and Efficient Chiral Bisphosphorus Ligands for Rhodium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation” Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 1104-1107. Highlighted by Synfacts.

6. Wenjun Tang,* Bo Qu, Andrew Capacci, Sonia Rodriguez, Xudong Wei, Nizar Haddad, Bikashandarkoil Narayanan, Shengli Ma, Nelu Grinberg, Nathan K. Yee, and Chris H. Senanayake Novel, Tunable, and Efficient Chiral Bisdihydrobenzooxaphosphole Ligands for Asymmetric Hydrogenation, Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 176-179.

7. Wenjun Tang,* Andrew Capacci, Max Sarvestani, Xudong Wei, Nathan K. Yee, and Chris H. Senanayake A Facile and Practical Synthesis of N-Acetyl Enamides J. Org. Chem. 2009, 74, 9528-9530.

8. “Total synthesis and structural elucidation of azaspiracid-1. Final assignment and total synthesis of the correct structure of azaspiracid-1,” K. C. Nicolaou,* Theocharis V. Koftis, Stepan Vyskocil, Goran Petrovic, Wenjun Tang, Michael O. Frederick, David Y.-K. Chen, Yiwei Li, Taotao Ling, and Yoichi M. A. Yamada, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2859-2872.

9. K. C. Nicolaou,* Wenjun Tang, Philippe Dagneau, and Raffaella Faraoni A catalytic asymmetric three-component 1,4-addition/aldol reaction: Enantioselective synthesis of the spirocyclic system of vannusal A  Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2005, 44, 3874-3879.

10. K. C. Nicolaou,* Theocharis V. Koftis, Stepan Vyskocil, Goran Petrovic, Taotao Ling, Yoichi M. A. Yamada, Wenjun Tang, and Michael O. Frederick Structural revision and total synthesis of Azaspiracid-1, part 2: Definition of the ABCD domain and total synthesis Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4312-4318.

11. Wenjun Tang, Shulin Wu, and Xumu Zhang,* Enantioselective hydrogenation of tetrasubstituted olefines of cyclic -(acylamino) acrylates J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 9570-9571.

12. Wenjun Tang, Weimin Wang, Yongxiang Chi, and Xumu Zhang,* A P-chiral-bisphosphepine ligand for practical synthesis of β-aryl β-amino acids via asymmetric hydrogenation Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 3509-3511.

13. Wenjun Tang, and Xumu Zhang,* New chiral phosphorous ligands for enantioselective hydrogenation Chem. Rev. 2003, 103, 3029-3069.

14. Wenjun Tang, Weimin Wang, and Xumu Zhang,* A new class of phospholane-oxazoline ligands for Ir-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 943-946.

15. Wenjun Tang, and Xumu Zhang,* A chiral 1,2-bisphospholane ligand with a novel structural motif: Applications in highly enantioselective Rh-catalyzed hydrogenations Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2002, 41, 1612-1614.

徐晓冰 (博士后),许广庆(研二), 赵庆(研二)

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