
姓名:吴毓林 (Yulin Wu)
职务:博导 研究员

1957-1962年 吉林大学化学系

1962-1966年 中国科学院有机化学研究所研究生

1966-       中国科学院上海有机化学研究所助研,副研究员,研究员。

其中1980-1982,1992美国 IOC,Syntex Research 访问学者



总体设想:是由有机合成和有机分析等的基础出发,来探索生命科学 中分子水平上的一些基础性研究课题。 努力做出一些有中国特色的,有实验室特色的创新性工作。


已发表论文和专著章节共 212 篇,获准专利 9 件。曾获得的奖励有:国家发明二等奖(1979)、国家自然科学二等奖(1988)、中国科学院一等奖(1987)、二等奖(1985,2001)和上海化学化工学会庄长恭奖(1995)等。已培养了博士 22 人、硕士 8人。


1.  Yin, B.-L.; Hu,T.-S.; Yue, H.-j.; Gao, Y.; Wu,W.-M.; Wu, Y.-L.* Diasteroselective synthesis of chiral [4,4]- & [4,5]-spriroketals from furan derivatives; study on the asymmetric synthesis of tonghaosu analogs. Synlett. 2004,306.

2.  Wu, W.-M.; Chen, Y.-L.; Zhai, Z.; Xiao, S.-H.; Wu, Y.-L.* Study on the mechanism of action of artemether against schistosomes: The identification of systeine adducts of both carbon-centered free radicals derived from  artemether. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2003, 13, 1645.

3.  Yin, B.-L.; Fan, J.-F.; Gao, Y.; Wu, Y.-L.* Molecular diversity from tonghaosu analogs: Selective reduction of the endo-cyclic double bond of tonghaosu analogs and the Synthesis of cyclopentenone derivatives. Synlett. 2003, 399.

4.  Li, Y.; Wu, Y.-L.*  over four millennium story behind qinghaosu (artemisinin) --- A fantastic antimalarial drug from a Traditional Chinese Herb. Curr. Med. Chem. 2003, 10, 2197

5.  Zeng, B.-B.; Wu, Y.; Jiang, S.; Yu, Q.; Yao, Z.-J.; Liu, Z.-H.; Li, H.-Y.; Li, Y.; Chen, X.-G.; Wu,Y.-L.* Studies on mimicry of naturally occurring annonaceous acetogenins: Non-THF, analoguesleading to remarkable selective cytotoxicity against human tumor cells. Chem. Eur. J. 2003,9, 282.

6.  Chen, X.-S.;Wu, W.-L.*; Chen, D.-H. Structure determination and synthesis of a new cerebroside isolated from Traditional Cheine4ses Medicine typhonium giganteum engl. Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 3529.

7.  Li, L.-S.; Wu, Y.-L.*; An efficient method for synthesis of a-keto acid esters from terminal alkynes. Tetrahedron Lett. 2002, 43, 2427.

8.  Hu, T.-S.; Yu, Q.; Wu, Y.-L.* Enatioselective synthesis of monotetrahydrofuran annonaceous acetogenins tonkinecin and annonacin starting from carbohydrates. J. Org. Chem. 2001, 66, 853.

9.  Wang, D.-Y.;Wu, Y.-L.* A Possible antimalarial action mode of qinghaosu (artmisinin) series compounds. Alkylation of reduced glutathione by C-centered primary radical produced from antimalarial compound qinghaosu and 12-(2,4-dimethoxy-1-pheny)-deoxoqinghaosu. Chem. Commun. 2000, 2193

10. Zeng, B.-B,; Wu, Y.-K.; Yu, Q.;Wu, Y.-L.*; Li, Y.; Chen, X.-G. Enantionpure simple analogues of annonaceous acetongenins with remarkable selective cytotoxicity towards tumor cell lines. Angew. chem. Int. Ed. 2000, 39, 1934.

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