
姓名:俞飚(Biao Yu)
职务:副所长 主任 博导 研究员



 具有重要生理活性的复杂寡糖、糖缀合物及其它天然产物,如:动物糖胺聚糖(如肝素)和特征肿瘤抗原、微生物抗生素、植物和海洋糖苷(如皂甙和黄酮甙)等的全合成、合成方法学和化学生物学.
 其它研究内容还涉及:中药;天然产物的分离鉴定;糖基转移酶和糖苷水解酶抑制剂;兼亲分子的超分子化学等.

 1999.12-present 中科院上海有机化学研究所研究员
 1997.9-1999.12 中科院上海有机化学研究所副研究员
 1996.9-1997.9 中科院上海有机化学研究所助理研究员
 1995.8-1996.9 纽约大学博士后

 B.S.  1985-1989, 北京大学技术物理系
 M.S.  1989-1992, 中科院上海有机化学研究所
 Ph.D. 1992-1995, 中科院上海有机化学研究所

 上海有机化学研究所生命有机化学国家重点实验室主任; 所长助理;
 中国科学技术大学兼职博导;
 中国海洋大学兼职教授;
 国际碳水化合物组织(International Carbohydrate Organization,ICO)中国代表;
 国际专业期刊Carbohydrate Research 编委等.

 中国化学会青年化学奖(1998年);
 中科院杰出青年(2000年);
 国家杰出青年基金(1999年);
 上海市科技启明星和学科带头人基金(1999,2002,2006年);
 首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选(2004年);
 上海市自然科学二等奖(2006年)等;
 无锡药明康德 生命化学研究奖(2007);

1. Total synthesis of Lobatoside E, a potent antitumor cyclic triterpene saponin. C. Zhu, P. Tang, B. Yu,* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 5872-5873.
2. Gold(I) catalyzed glycosidation of 1,2-anhydrosugars. Y. Li, P. Tang, Y. Chen, B. Yu,* J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 4323-4325.
3. Synthesis of Betavulgaroside III, a representative triterpene seco-glycoside. S. Zhu, Y. Li, B. Yu,* J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73, 4978-4985.
4. An efficient glycosylation protocol with glycosyl ortho-alkynylbenzoates as donors under the catalysis of Ph3PAuOTf. Y. Li, Y. Yang, B. Yu,* Tetrahedron Lett. 2008, 49, 3604-3608.
5. Synthesis of a tetrasaccharide substrate of heparanase. J. Chen, Y. Zhou, C. Chen, W. Xu, B. Yu,* Carbohydr. Res. 2008, 343, 2853-2862.
6. Total synthesis of Candicanoside A, a potent antitumor saponin bearing a rearranged steroid side chain. P. Tang, B. Yu,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 2527-2530.
7. The cytotoxicity of saponins correlates with their cellular internalization. Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, B. Yu,* ChemMedChem 2007, 2, 888-291.
8. Carbohydrate chemistry in the total synthesis of saponins. B. Yu,* Y. Zhang, P. Tang, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 5145-5161.
9. Facile conversion of spirostan saponin into furostan saponin: synthesis of methyl protodioscin and its 26-thio-analogue. M. Li, B. Yu,* Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 2679-2682.
10. Total synthesis of CRM646-A and B, two fungal glucuronides with potent heparinase inhibition activities. P. Wang, Z. Zhang, B. Yu,* J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 8884-9.
11. Synthesis of Anemoclemoside B, the first natural product with an open-chain cyclic acetal glycosidic linkage. J. Sun, X. Han, B. Yu,* Org. Lett. 2005, 7, 1935-1938.
12. 23-Oxa-analogues of OSW-1: efficient synthesis and extremely potent antitumor activity. B. Shi, H. Wu, B. Yu,* J. Wu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4324-4327.
13. Efficient sialylation with phenyltrifluoroacetimidate as leaving groups. S. Cai, B. Yu,* Org. Lett. 2003, 5, 3827-3830.
14. Facial synthesis of flavonoid 7-O-glycosides. M. Li, X. Han, B. Yu,* J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 6842-6845.
15. Total synthesis of the antiallergic naphtho-alpha-pyrone tetraglucoside, cassiaside C2, isolated from cassia seeds. Z. Zhang, B. Yu,* J. Org. Chem. 2003, 68, 6309-6313.
16. Glycosyl trifluoroacetimidates. 2. Synthesis of dioscin and xiebai saponin I.  B. Yu,* H. Tao, J. Org. Chem. 2002, 67, 9099-9102.
17. Efficient synthesis of the hexasaccharide fragment of Landomycin A: Using phenyl 2,3-O-thionocarbonyl-1-thio-glycosides as 2-deoxy-beta-glycoside precursors. B. Yu,* P. Wang, Org. Lett. 2002, 4, 1919-1922.
18. A double random strategy for the synthesis of saponin libraries. B. Yu,* B. Li, G. Xing, Y. Hui,* J. Comb. Chem. 2001, 3, 404-406.
19. Stereoselective synthesis of 2-S-phenyl-2-deoxy--glycosides using phenyl 2,3-O-thionocarbonyl-1-thio-glycoside donors via 1,2-migration and concurrent glycosidation. B. Yu,* Z. Yang, Org. Lett. 2001, 3, 377-379.
20. Glycosyl trifluoroacetimidates. Part I. Preparation and application as new glycosyl donors. B. Yu,* H. Tao, Tetrahedron Lett. 2001, 42, 2405-2407.
21. First synthesis of a bidesmosidic triterpene saponin by a highly efficient procedure. B. Yu,* J. Xie, S. Deng, Y. Hui,* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1999, 121, 12196-12197.
22. First total synthesis of an exceptionally potent saponin, OSW-1. S. Deng, B. Yu,* Y. Lou, Y. Hui,* J. Org. Chem.  1999, 64, 202-208.
23.  First total synthesis of tricolorin A.  S. Lu, Q. Ouyang, Z. Guo, B. Yu,* Y.  Hui,* Angew. Chem.; Int. Engl. Ed.  1997, 36, 2344-2346.

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