
姓名:伍贻康 (Yikang Wu)
职务:博导 研究员

 生物活性天然产物及类似物的全合成
 全合成相关的合成方法学
 有机过氧化物化学
 药物先导发现

 2000–至今: 研究员, 生命有机化学国家重点实验室,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所
 1995–2000: 副研究员, 生命有机化学国家重点实验室,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所

 Ph.D. 1991: 瑞典哥德堡大学 有机化学系
 MS 1985 中科院上海药物研究所
 BS 1982 南京药学院药物化学系


(1) Wu, Y.-K.*; Gao, Jian “Total Synthesis of (+)-Brefeldin A”, Org. Lett. 2008, 10(8), 1533-1536.
(2) Zhen, Z.-B.; Gao, J.; Wu, Y.-K.*, “A Chiron Approach to the Total Synthesis of (+)-Aculeatin D”, J. Org. Chem. 2008, 73(18), 7310-7316
(3) Zhang, B.; Nikolovska-Coleska, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Bai, L.; Qiu, S.; Yang, C.-Y.; Sun, H.; Wang, S.;* Wu, Y.-K.*, "Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Tricyclic, Conformationally Constrained Smac Mimetics As Antagonists of IAP Proteins" , J. Med. Chem. 2008, 51(23), 7352-7355.
(4) Jian, Y.-J.; Tang, C.-J.; Wu, Y.-K.* , “Enantioselective Total synthesis of Phomallenic Acid C”, J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72(13), 4851-4855.
(5) Wu, Y.-K.*; Sun, Y.-P. “A Synthesis of Nonactin and the Proposed Structure of Trilactone”, Org. Lett. 2006, 8(13), 2831-2834.
(6) Wu, Y.-K.*; Yang, Y.-Q. “Synthesis of Antimycin A3b”, J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71(11), 4296-4301.
(7) Wu, Y.-K.*; Sun, Y.-P. " An expeditious enantioselective total synthesis of valilactone", J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71(15), 5748-5751.
(8) Wu, Y.-K.;* Sun, Y.-P. "Novel Chemoselective Tosylation of the Alcoholic Hydroxyl Group of Syn-alpha,beta-Disubstituted beta-Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids ", Chem. Comm. 2005, (14), 1906-1908.
(9) Jin, H.-X.; Liu, H.-H.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, Y.-K.* “On the susceptibility of organic peroxy bonds to hydride reduction”, J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70(11), 4240-4247.
(10) Sun, Y.-P.; Wu, Y.-K.* "An Expeditious Synthesis of Nocardiolactone" Synlett 2005, (9), 1477-1479.
(11) Jin, H.-X.; Liu, H.-H.; Zhang, Q.; Wu, Y.-K.* “On the susceptibility of organic peroxy bonds to hydride reduction”, J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70(11), 4240-4247.
(12) Wu, Y.-K. *; Shen, X.; Yang, Y.-Q.; Hu, Q.; Huang, J.-H. "Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Brefeldin A and 7-epi-Brefeldin A ", J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69(11), 3857-3865.
(13)  Wu, Y.-K.; Sun, Y.-P.; Yang, Y.-Q.; Hu, Q.; Zhang, Q. "Removal of Thiazolidinethione Auxiliaries with Benzyl Alcohol Mediated by DMAP ", J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69(18), 6141-6144.
(14) Wu, Y.-K.*; Yang, Y.-Q.; Hu, Q. "A Facile Access to Chiral 4-Isopropyl-, 4-Benzyl-, and 4-Phenyl-oxazolidine-2-thione ", J. Org. Chem. 2004, 69(11), 3990-3992.
(15) Wu, Y.-K*.; Li, L.; Sun, Y.-P. "Synthesis of a 5-oxo-2-tetrahydrofuranyl derivative of an Evans auxiliary via a novel reaction induced by nucleophiles. ", Synlett 2004, (1), 125-127.

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